Another items on sale that I recently snugged are these towels. They were on sale for $3.50 each.

I always check the clearance salle at KMart because I have a reward thing for them. Right now I have ten thousand points already and I will be redeeming it soon.

I always check the clearance salle at KMart because I have a reward thing for them. Right now I have ten thousand points already and I will be redeeming it soon.
9 valuable thoughts they wrote, what's yours?:
thanks for this entry. im thinking of getting my own domain and webhosting.
definitely, maybe
I didn't realize KMart had reward points--this is very good to know. And $3.50 for towels--you got a great bargain there!
I am trying so hard to find towels that are affordable that my husband likes. The last ones I bought were too soft, who has ever heard of towels that are too soft, lol. I will have to check K-Mart, we will be near one later this week.
Wow! That is a great deal! I should check our Kmart here.
very nice, your remind me of our rewards and hope it's not expired yet so i can used them into something valuable.
Oh wow - I love managing to get a bargain on things we all need. x
What a deal. I am in need of new towels too.
shopping with discount vouchers or coupons is really wonderful! we not only get items that we really love to get, we even get more value for our money by getting them at really low prices!
love shopping sales and at Kmart
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