When my husband went to Japan to attend school two years ago, he bought a hair cut set. Since then, he never went to a barber shop as we cut our own hair at home. He only paid like $20 for the set but it saved us hundreds of dollars already. Haircut can be expensive depending on the place where you live. Over here, the normal charge for a hair cut in men is right around $15-$20 then you still have to give tip. So imagine if you need a hair cut every month, the cost can add up.

I love it that my husband maintains a short hair cut, it looks better on him. He used to have a hair cut like those of a sailor but I find it hard to evenly taper both sides so I suggested for him to just cut it even all around.

The set includes everything that you need to cut a hair. It has storage pouch, battery, com, oil, and cleaning brush.

The retail price for this is $89.99 but you can buy it at Beauty Stop Online for $65.99 which will save you $24. This innovative home hair cutting system is specially designed to maintain a short and even hair cut. Thank you again B.S.O. for this another great product you sent me for review!
We finally used it yesterday . My daughter cut her brother's hair before we went to church. She used the Babyliss first but it was a bit big for her tiny hands so she switched to the old set that we have. See the advantage of having this cutting hair set, even a child can do it, with an adult supervision of course. My kids always helped me whenever I cut my husband's hair.

Disclaimer: The author of this blog was NOT financially compensated to write this review. The products mentioned above was given for FREE for evaluation purposes.