Tuesday, November 30, 2010
Recreation.. Taxes...Etc..
Pittsburgh charges taxes from residents about different stuff. If you are a resident of Pittsburgh, you'll know what I mean. My husband used to work in Pittsburgh and his former officemates complains about their taxes.
The advantage of those taxes are being returned to the tax payers in form of recreations and stuff such as the Pittsburgh Zoo and other recreation areas. Here in WV, the taxes are not so much compared to that in PA but as you can see, there's not so much going on here. The residents here goes to recreation places in PA because we don't have many places here to go to.

watery wednesday
I took these shot a couple of days ago when I was cooking my daughter's breakfast. I peaked on our kitchen window and saw how the sun was hiding behind the clouds.

Have a good Thanksgiving day celebration folks. We thank you for being a virtual friends with us and for your constant visit and comments.
John & Rose
Have a good Thanksgiving day celebration folks. We thank you for being a virtual friends with us and for your constant visit and comments.
John & Rose
Hands at Work
Our daughter has a lot of neat ideas of the things she can find. She found these Acorn nuts when we went for a walk and I thought she was going to give it to the squirrel. She have different idea in mind, she made something out of it. We also found the rock during our walk. She taped a leaf on top of the rock and glued the acorns on top of the leaf.
Keep it up anak!
Sunday, November 28, 2010
Sweetheart Leaves
Took these shot in front of my FIL's house. There's two leaves entwined with each other which I find very cute. sweethearts leaves maybe? Lol, just having some fun thoughts here friends. Thanks for dropping by!

Mellow Yellow
Sunday, November 21, 2010
McRib is one of the seasonal menu that McDonald offers. My husband and FIL love this pork BBQ sandwich. When November rolls in, my husband always looks at the sign board of McDonald if McRib is being offered yet. Now, he is happy that it's back.
Mellow Yellow
Friday, November 19, 2010
Fall Flower
I am assuming that Mums are Fall flowers because they are everywhere during this time of the year. My wife has some of this in front of our house. The photo above was taken in front of one of the house we went to during trick or treat.
flowers on saturday,
today's flower
Our gas bills jumps up during winter times. The insulation at our attic disintegrated already so we decided to have it done this year before the winter is in full swing. We actually planned to do that before we went overseas two years ago but we were not able to accomplish it. Anyway, we bought ten rolls of this Unfaced R-30 and it only covered 20% of the attic.
Here's our attic before we put the insulation. The former has a lot of things stored there so we removed some of them and put it downstairs. IT was a pain lol.
My wife and I can't do anything without our two kids investigating. They wanted to help me roll the insulation but it's not good for their health so we just let them see the attic first before I started working.
Glass Fish
Thursday, November 18, 2010
Man on the Roof
Wednesday, November 17, 2010
Nostalgia # 27 - Teaching is Fun
Below are the photos of my experience being a teacher at a local Korean elementary school. It is part of the U.S. Navy's Community Relations Program which is sponsored by the base chapel. I volunteer my time so that I can help the kids, let them get familiar with American style English speaking, and because I want to get involved in the community.

I didn't replace the existing teacher, I just show up once a week as a guest to their class. The kids are great and the teacher is really nice. I didn't realize teaching could be this much fun. The classroom is set up pretty much the same way that it is in the U.S. but these kids work on English from the time they are very small and up through college.

The teacher warned me that the kids can be a bit wild at times.......so I provoke the wildness and try to get them into our session. The kids are very respectful and most approach me at the end of class and thank me for being there.

Join us to reminisce the joy and adventures of the past.
Fish, oh Fish!
Monday, November 15, 2010
Golden Maple Tree
Saturday, November 13, 2010
The Men
Just showing you some moments of the men in our household.
Champ is fascinated with his camel-like shadow, do you see it?
EJ: "No Champ, it is so cold out, we can't play"
Champ: "Okay, we'll just look"

Champ is fascinated with his camel-like shadow, do you see it?
My son doesn't like to play with our dog before because he tend to bite but now that champ learned how to play without hurting him, they play along well.
Champ: "Can we go outside and play"EJ: "No Champ, it is so cold out, we can't play"
Champ: "Okay, we'll just look"
camera critters,
shadow shot sunday
Thursday, November 11, 2010
Veteran's Day - Thanks to the Veteran for our Freedom!
Good morning everyone, chubskulit here. My husband woke up extra early today because they are having a branch get together today at his school for all the veterans. He said that the VA admin in school is giving each of them an iPad. My girlie burrito is still off from school today so that means I am off too lol..
I remember an incident months ago, we drove to a dairy queen place in Steubenville Ohio, as my husband pulled at the parking area, this woman gave him a finger. I guess she was planning to take the spot that my husband park our car and we beat her to it. We didn't see her though because she was parked at the other part of the parking area. The messed up thing is that, she did it with her kids with her. Now what kind of thing are you teaching your kids if you will act that way. I feel hurt for my husband as he served the country for twenty years and some slob will just flip him a bird. Veteran's deserves at least a little respect for their sacrifices. I hope that most people will appreciate what they did for the country and for the freedom that we are enjoying.
The Hummer & the Dog
My brother Dave gave his battery operated Hummer to EJ and our son just loves it. He played with it outside our backyard and Champ went crazy chasing it.
family pet
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Victorious Smile!
She won an international smile contest for the month of October 2009. This contest was sponsored by Division of Pediatric Dentistry, Department of Oral Health Sciences, University of British Columbia, Canada.

God bless y'all!