We took the kids to the mall on Labor Day just to let them have some time off from school and our ordinary routine at home.

I am blessed to have wonderful kids who don't give us any hard time anywhere we take them. We rewarded them with some toys that we bought from Smart Toys store. We also dropped by at Toys R Us to buy my son's classmate a birthday present. Hubby also bought me a dress that I really love!
14 valuable thoughts they wrote, what's yours?:
Very cool water feature at your mall.
having kids is such a priceless blessing and shopping for them is really cool.. i love shopping for my little man and I surely buy something for him every payday
YOu guys are doing a wonderful job raising them. I too hope my kids would grow up to be behave, polite and be the best they can be. :) It is nice to be out of the house sometimes and go somewhere like the mall.
Well behaved kids deserve rewards :D
Family bonding :) I don't remember what we did during the labors day. I think my husband worked that day.
We have not been to the mall at the same time, like all of us in the household. My husband work schedule, sad to say, does not coincide with my days off.
what a fun day shopping
Sounds like a nice relaxing trip, we are getting a new mall soon and I can not wait, the one we currently have I will not go there to shop as it is not clean.
We go to the mall or the park too just to get out of the house.:)
we have a quite small mall here in our area. i miss the malls in the Philippines which are HUGE!
That is nice you got to shop on Labor Day weekend
Can't wait for my kids to grow up and enjoy shopping together. Right now, shopping with them is quite a challenge. I just usually opt to leave them in the play yard at the mall while I go shopping. :-)
Oh, shopping! Yey! My favorite hobby :) I like what the kiddos and your hubby were looking at - donut/cupcake/cake pop machines!!!! They look like Nostalgia appliances which I am saving up for. :)
I miss going to the mall....buti pa kayo you had a great time during LD.
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