Okay, looking at these photos, I want you guys to tell me what you're thinking.

The fella above was looking down at these two.

I am not sure if they're making out or grooming each other. You be the judge.... grins....

These two drew a lot of attention at Pittsburgh Zoo. What do you think?
7 valuable thoughts they wrote, what's yours?:
What a cute moment you captured! Whatever they are doing it is nice that they are having a happy moment!
"Let me get out! Let Me get out!" that's what came out in my mind in the second picture. "Hi there, care to join me?" that's probably what's the monkey thinking. Cute pics BTW.
Mel Cole @ Hearts content
They look cute whatever they're doing :)
LOL! Hmmm. I think they're grooming each other. Hey, whatever floats their boat. :) Nice photo captures!
Melody ~ Blondie's Abode
LOL I really couldn't comment on what they were up to! Hehe.
Thanks for the chuckle!
Not sure what they are doing, cute capture!
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