Tuesday, September 7, 2010

Nostalgia # 16 - The Baby has Arrived!

The photo above was taken at our friend's house more than three years ago when EJ was about 4-5 months old. Our friend Raquel love kids and she really like ours. Well today, she gave birth to her first born, a baby girl. Congratulations guys, good luck to those sleepless nights lol. When I first saw Raquel on their porch, I told my wife to befriend her but my wife is so timid that if no one will approach her first, she won't talk to them. Anyhow, we formally met the couple when we first attended the Fil-Am Christmas party. We became good friends and now they are like sisters.
We would also like to greet Kelly a happy birthday!

8 valuable thoughts they wrote, what's yours?:

Mommy Liz said...

Congratulations to your friend for having the baby. Rose and I are the same then, I won't speak unless spoken. But once I talk, I don't stop. Hehehe..


Verna Luga said...

awww, they're still so cute .... lovely kiddos ... mine is posted at Woman’s elan vital

nuts said...

I thought it was rose in the photo.. and kids are really cuteee!!

Anonymous said...

Thanks for stopping by my blog and following. I am now following back :)
-PS Check out my linky party on Thursdays each week!
Thrilling Thursdays @Paisley Passions

anne said...

Your kids are so adorable so no wonder your friend enjoyed to be with them. Send my greetings to her for having a baby and thank you for dropping by

Rossel said...

another trait that Rose and i have in common, being timid sometimes that others mistaken for being snobbish.

congratulations to Raquel and her husband!

my entry is here...http://momsupsndowns.blogspot.com/2010/09/something-to-pass-on.html

Dhemz said...

awwwwww..baby girl! congratulations to them....:)

I'm just like Rose...if you don't approach me first I won't say a word....lol!

Mel_Cole said...

Oh my goodness, Rylie was a little girl in that pic. Congratulations to your friend who just got a new baby. Me too, my husband said he's scared to approach me because I'm not approachable. My gosh, how am I suppose to....nah...seriously, I wanted to be approached. lols.


Victorious Smile!

She won an international smile contest for the month of October 2009. This contest was sponsored by Division of Pediatric Dentistry, Department of Oral Health Sciences, University of British Columbia, Canada.

God bless y'all!

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