
Thursday, February 1, 2018

Shop The Sales (Without Hurting Your Finances)


There’s something about items on sale that delights us. We see that red discount label and our minds are alight, suddenly coursing with adrenaline as we think of the bargains we might be able to find. We head to the discount section, marvelling over the reduced prices, and delight in the money we’re able to save. 

There’s no denying that sales shopping is fun, but there’s also no denying that it can be potentially problematic. Sales have a tendency to grab hold of our attention and prevent us from making the wise purchasing decisions we would normally make. If this happens often enough, you can find your spending spiralling to a point that your sales shopping is becoming a problem

However, the answer to this potential issue isn’t to not shop the sales at all -- a bargain is a bargain, after all! -- but to ensure your sales shopping is as smart as it can be. Read on for a few essential tips to keep in mind the next time you see discounted prices in your favorite store… 

Set a strict budget 

It’s one thing to want to grab a bargain, but you need to place restrictions on your spending as well. Giving yourself an open door to spend whatever you want, just because items are on sale, is a surefire way to spend far more than is justifiable. 

Spend in cash where possible 

While your new credit card sourced through might be burning a hole in your pocket, sales shopping should always be done in cash. If you can’t literally afford the item right now, then buying it while it’s on sale is a bad idea. You have to factor in the fact that sales make us want to buy things we don’t even need; ensuring that you only buy in cash is by far the best way to ensure you are able to fight back against this problem. 

Avoid big sale events 

Big sales events, such as Black Friday, have a tendency to be a letdown. The stock on sale is often not the kind of thing you’d buy at full price, so the savings you make aren’t necessarily as good as they initially appear. It’s far better to look for individual sales at stores that you already like and frequent. You can use one of the apps featured on if you want to ensure you’re always up-to-date with which stores have sales running at any given time. 

Ask yourself one question before you make any sales purchase 

The question is: “If I had the money available, would I buy this at the full retail price?”

If the answer is no, then put it down and move onto something else. Unless you believe an item important enough to be worth paying the full price for, you don’t need it. 

In conclusion

By keeping the above in mind, you can be sure that your sales shopping will be nothing but pleasurable, ensuring you don’t have a financial hangover from your splurge. Enjoy!