
Saturday, December 3, 2016

Gift-Wrapping, Shopping, Sickness etc.

This year seems to pass rather quickly to me, I can't believe the 2016 is almost over.  For the past few weeks, I am so busy and occupied with husband and  children getting sick then trying to finish some DIY projects that we have been doing at home. I feel bad that my husband is still in pain caused by the Cervical Disk Disorder with Myelopathy that was recently diagnosed him with.  A condition that happens when a nerve in the neck is pinched or bruised by a slipped (herniated) disk or by arthritic changes in the bones of the cervical spine . The doctor told him that the pain is going to get worse as he get older.  The bad thing is there's nothing that can be done to  resolve the issue.  Now, other people told me that it can be addressed with certain therapy and another told me she had hers  resolved with acupuncture treatment.  
 On a lighter note, I was able to finally get to shop for gifts. I am bummed I wasn't able to take advantage of the Black Friday deals but still glad that I found some affordable gifts for the family. I got this At-A-Glance weekly-monthly calendar/planner  from Shoplet.  
 I decided to  give this to my daughter's teacher because she has been such a wonderful mentor  for her.  She always encourages   Rylie with everything.  I know this isn't much but I think she can use this for her next year's goals, appointments and  other things.  She is a cancer survivor so she could truly use this planner for her  schedules in schools and other things. The monthly tabs for reference and quick navigation.
  I love that it's a  larger size and the classic medallion design is given a twist by pairing it with the vibrant colors.The fun, die-cut durable poly cover is great for both work and home.
 I also love that it has  a holiday list at the back.  You can get this for $14.24 at Shoplet.
 I also bought this conceptum notebook for my son's teacher .  This can be a good one to put her notes for her class.
 I wrapped some gifts yesterday including the gifts for my children's teachers.
 A lot of times, I wish I could give more for the teachers because  they don't get paid a lot especially at my  children's school.  Their pay is not that much and  I don't think they get  benefits that public school teachers get.  I respect and admire them tremendously for  their dedication in molding our  children and for patiently honing their  skills.  
Shoplet is a one-stop shop  for all your need in your home office or business.  They have  Office Supplies,   Medical SuppliesCleaning Supplies and many more.

Disclosure: The owner of this blog was NOT financially compensated to write this review.  I was provided with the product/s mentioned  to help me  facilitate this review but  opinions are my own.


  1. Shoplet is AWESOME! I recently started using it after hearing about it from a friend. They have so much great stuff.

  2. Oh wow. I've heard a lot about Shoplet, but I didn't realize they had such a variety of things. Thanks so much for sharing this.

  3. This is a really kind and thoughtful gift for a teacher. I like that it is really useful to them, I am sure they will love it!

  4. This would be perfect! I am forever losing scraps of paper that I have scribbled notes on and this would be a great way to keep everything neat and tidy.

  5. I feel so bad for your husband. I'm suffering from a neck injury right now that won't get better. I was in a car accident and we can't figure out why at 4 weeks I still can't move! 2016 has been a blur! I'm looking forward to a bigger and brighter 2017

  6. I am a total office supply junkie! Love that planner. I use one very similar for my blog planning.

  7. Great job on the wrapping! We haven't started yet but we can't wait for the holidays to come!

  8. I've never heard of Shoplet! I know a ton of people who are into planners, including my son's teacher and music teacher, so those would be perfect for them!

  9. What a cute planner! Wrapping presents is one of the things I love to do during the Christmas season. I hope your husband feels better soon.

  10. This planner is perfect gift for my colleagues. I love how you wrapped the gift.. So neat and perfect.

  11. You have a great skills in wrapping gifts. Those gifts are very useful for teachers. Thank you for sharing this. I got an idea..

  12. Sorry about the illness! Shoplet is awesome. I am loving that planner. I need one of those!

  13. These planners are really nice. I could really use one. I should probably go buy one. It would be really useful for me.

  14. I've never heard of Shoplet! It sounds amazing though. I need to check it out! Your tree is so pretty too! -Kendall

  15. I love those planners! I really love a good day planner. I can kind of relate to your husband's cervical disc disorder. My husband has degenerative disc disease and we are getting yet another professional opinion on treatment for this. I hope your husband can find something that helps with his pain.

  16. He needs to get a second opinion. If he has a slipped disc in his neck, there are several different things that he can do. There is therapy, massage, cortisone injections, medications, pain management drs, or even surgery (last resort).

    I am in therapy for my neck at the moment. They told me to do the McKenzie exercises found here He can youtube the different methods to show him the proper way to do them.

    I have had chronic pain in my low back for years for a herniated disc. They always told me that it didn't look that bad on my MRI. However, I ended up having surgery to stabilize my spine after all the other treatments didn't work. I also ended up seeing 3 doctors until I found someone who would listen to me about doing surgery. I have also had a great pain management dr for the last 5 years.

  17. I have never used Shoplet. I will have to check them out as I'm always buying office supplies and planner tools. ^yolonda

  18. I've never used Shoplet. Thanks for letting me know about them.

  19. That is a nice planner! I like my planner big like that. I haven't gotten a new planner yet. Will check Shoplet!

  20. I haven't shopped at Shoplet before. I'm glad to see they offer supplies and planners. This is great!

  21. Aw, I'm sorry to hear about your husband's illness. That sounds really painful! I'm hoping that he's feeling much better now.

  22. Seriously, these are my favorite types of gifts. I always get excited when I get planners, notebooks, journals and pens. As a writer I use these things all the time. So I can never have too many.

  23. I have never heard of Shoplet before. I can say that I love calendars and planners very much. I keep many of them on my desk, and without them I would be so disorganized!

  24. Omg that looks like one awesome planner!!! I am planner obsessed but haven't found the right one yet for 2017!

  25. This is the first time that I heard about shoplet and it really sounds great

  26. I've got a bit of a fetish for nice pens and cool notebooks, this is right up my alley.


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