
Thursday, January 3, 2013

Craftsman 22'' 6-Drawer Ball Bearing Slides Tool Storage

My husband's tools is everywhere so I decided to buy him the Craftsman 22'' 6-Drawer Ball Bearing Slides Tool Storage for Christmas.  The delivery guy  just dropped it at our storage  area   under our front porch so I had to carry it at our basement with the dolly.  It was so heavy for a tiny woman like me  so I  wrapped it and left it in the basement.
  I was excited when my husband and kids were opening it because I know how  bad he need one of this.  
My excitement was  replaced by disappointment when we finally  removed the box because the  side  is banged up, the top drawer that was packed inside the  bottom part was mangled.  There are scratches here and there and the plastic  knot for the lock at the bottom is crushed.
I thought that I  gave my husband  a good one but as it turned out, it's like I bought a second hand tool storage.  I am disappointed with the quality of the product and the way they package it.  They should not put  the top part  inside  because it is very heavy  that it would really damage the inside part of it,.
My husband is happy that he got  a big tool storage but he is very disappointed  of the way they packaged the product.  I would rate my  purchase 3 out of 5.