
Friday, July 30, 2010

Bridge Cables

Just some random shots that Rose took when we went to the Steuben Fort Mall. She's always fascinated with the cables of the bridge as background in taking sky photos. Taking pictures when the vehicle is in motion is hard but she still try to take some.

Wednesday, July 28, 2010

Woods Exploration

Whenever our kids are in the mood to go for a walk, I always want to take them into the woods nearby our home because there is so much out there to learn and see. I always tell them about certain things that we seldom see like wild fruits and animals.
And on the way home, we always let them run around the big school field.

It is a joy to see your kids enjoy the nature, I think that they would grow up like me and my wife who likes to explore things.

Sunday, July 25, 2010


One of the flowers that I like in my wife's garden is the Gladiola. Every time she forgets that name, she just remember gladiator and voila, she remembers it lol. Isn't that pretty?
These however were taken at my father's garden when we visited him. Now my wife's gladiola are in full bloom too.

Wednesday, July 21, 2010

Nostalgia # 10 - Remembering Our Loved Ones

Yesterday was my Mom's death anniversary, she passed away six years ago. So today, we fetched my Dad and we've visited her grave. I admire my Dad's loyalty to my Mom, he always thinks about her everyday.
We also visited my late brother Harold, my nephew Peter, and My Aunt Athelea who were buried in the same cemetery.
I hope that the four of them are now in peace with God. Wanna join us, just click the badge below.

Tuesday, July 20, 2010

Air Show

Our friends Tom and Raquel invited us to the Air show in Ohio. We had so much fun viewing all the small planes at Jefferson County Airport. Most of the pilots are military veterans.
It's cool to watch those small planes land in the runway.

Sunday, July 18, 2010

Bone Marrow

For some or many, this is just an ordinary piece of dead wood but for me, it holds a certain beauty in it. Do you agree? Doesn't it resembles like a bone marrow?

Monday, July 12, 2010


One of the flowers that our dog love to eat. I wonder if peony is sweet because our dog, Chelsea really love it. Does your dog eat flower?

Saturday, July 10, 2010

Lightning Bug catcher

Our daughter love catching firefly. Every night, she is at our backyard with a jar and trying to catch them. The photos and video below were taken/recorded when we visited my father after her birthday celebration.
Here's the fun video. Happy birthday princess!

Thursday, July 8, 2010

Nostalgia # 8 - Caught in Action

I was transferring our photos into the external drive that we bought when I saw these photos. So the little fella, tried to do it when he was a year old only. Remember that incident that happened in our home when EJ tried to climbed at curio? Look at him in this picture.
And look at his expression when his Mom tried to tell him not to climb in there lol. Join us folks in reminiscing the memory lane by clicking the badge below.

Wednesday, July 7, 2010

EJ and the Bean Stalk

My son found a bean seed inside our house and he was carrying it for days. I suggested that he should plant it and see if it will grow. He loves the story of Jack and the Bean Stalk so this would be a good experience for him. A couple a of days after he put in the soil, it erupted in the ground.
After 2 days more, this is his beans look like.
Hopefully it will bear fruit because just seeing it grow makes my son very very proud.

Cloudy Sky!

Taken at my father's back porch as we visit him the other day. I find the cloud formations really interesting. What do you think?

Monday, July 5, 2010


My wife found a new word to make our son's picture more smiley than cheesy. She always tell him to say delicious instead of saying cheese.
I happened to be in the background so I also smiled lol.

Saturday, July 3, 2010

Good Night!

Whew, we had so much fun celebrating our daughter's birthday today. I just want to make an update here before hitting the bed. Sorry for not visiting you folks, we were just busy. Good night Folks!