
Friday, October 30, 2009

Mr. Smiles, A blast from the past

My loving wife dug up these old photos of me this afternoon. I had doubts that it was me until she showed me the writing on the back of the pics. If you look closely, you can see the dates on the pics (just 4 months after my birthday).'s me alright. Boy was I a cheerful little guy.
Here I am at 6 months just smiling it up again for the camera. My mom told me that whenever they would try to photograph me as a child, I would usually cry or get really mad. This is proof that mom wasn't joking.
Wow, hard to believe this was 40 years ago. What a blast from the past.

Happy Halloween! BOO!

Tuesday, October 27, 2009

One month old EJ

EJ was one month old in this photo.  Look at him, he already know how to wink lol.

Sunday, October 25, 2009

Childhood Shadows

So here's some shadowy shots of my kids while enjoying the nature here in Chinhae South Korea.

They love throwing rocks on this little stream of water.

Especially our little guy, EJ.

Our four year old daughter, Rylie.
Fun times!

Thursday, October 22, 2009

My First Time

Here is a pic of me (age 10) in Ocean City, MD. This was my very first experience in the ocean. Being from the mountain state, I had never seen the ocean (except on television). I played so long in the water that I got sick and lost my voice (worst sore throat I had ever had). My mother was worried but the next morning, I was well and back at it again.

Until this day, I've always been very fond of the ocean. I enjoy the mountains too, but I find the ocean more intriguing. Maybe that's why I became a sailor.

Thursday, October 15, 2009

Childhood Photo Flashback

My entry for this week's Flashback Photo is one of my childhood photograph which I am not sure how old I was when this was taken. My Mom probably forgot to put the date at the back. So here it is.
 Have a great weekend everyone!

Saturday, October 10, 2009

Please Vote for our Princess, thanks!

Hello there guys, can I ask a favor from all of you please? I entered our daughter into a Smile Contest, so if you can please vote for (just once) till October 31st it would be so much appreciated. 

Thank you very much for all your help!